Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hey Friends,

I know I have been slacking on my blog and other things but I am back.

First I want to say that since I last chatted with you all I have started some new things.  I am now licensed to teach Zumba Toning.  What a wonderful addition to my classes.  Zumba is still a huge part of my weeks especially since the weather is bound to change anytime to a cold north country winter.  We are back up to 3 days a week with one of those being Toning and what a difference it has made to my workout.  Feel the BURN!!!!

Couch to 5k stopped for me but I plan on getting back to it either inside this winter or first thing in the spring.  Jon says he will get me those spike things for the bottom of my shoes so I can continue in the snow but I am afraid of getting hurt.  Guess we will see where the winter takes us first.  Hoping when I do start back up it won't be as difficult as when I started before.  I was so close to my goal but sometimes life happens.

Feet are doing ok.  Waiting on Thyroid tests before I start anything new in the exercise department.  Maybe I will start doing my Pilates again for the winter.  That is an awesome workout and it will help with the strengthening of my core.

The plan for me is to be in great shape for next summer and with 8 months to go I think I can get there.

Find a friend to help you meet your goal and start your fitness program today.

See you soon.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Zumba Class

Great class tonight.  It was so hot and sweaty in the firehall.  We did great.  Some nice hooting and hollering in the group tonight.  Thanks girls.

Foot is really aching tonight.  Going to get some meds and off to bed early.  I start my vacation tomorrow and I have so much to do.  My list is growing but at least I won't have to go to work for a whole 10 days.  Love it.  First vacation in 2 years.

Lots of reading and question writing to do too.  Teen tourney will be sneaking up on me soon.  10 books and 30-50 questions per book should take me a while to finish.  Good thing I love reading and writing questions.  Great book list too.

No great motivational speach tonight.  I have lost my groove this week.  Let's hope a vacation gets me all peppy and back on track.

Night.  Till tomorrow. =)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 4 Day 2 of Couch to 5k

Hey Friends sorry that I have missed blogging for the last few days.  So much has been going on.  The weekend was filled with craziness with our local Community Fest and then I haven't been feeling great.  I missed Monday and Tuesday's Zumba classes this week.  Glad I am feeling better so I can get back to it tomorrow.  I haven't missed my runs but I probably should have rested instead.  It doesn't help get better fast when you are as stubborn as me and keep running when you should be in bed. 

Monday's run was great until I got back home.  I was the furthest run and walk I have done so far.  It was nice and cool but we got started kind of late so it was very dark by the time we got back.  We took a new route (actually backwards from our normal route) and it was a nice change.

Tonight was my furthest run/walk and with the best time so far.  It was great I just wish I felt better.  We took a completely different route and I think I like this one best.  The darn wind tonight was crazy for the first 1 1/2 miles it was blowing hard right in my face.  It surely made it harder to run the first 8 minutes.  I am up to 16 minutes of running. 

Hard to believe that the first 4 weeks are almost over.  It really has gone quite fast.  Still wishing this darn foot would start feeling better.  The doctor says arthritis.  That is just wonderful.  Not only Plantar facitis but now arthritis also.  Crazy.  That is the only thing that is holding me back when I do things. 

Reading is going great.  Finished Scrawl which had a surprising ending and now on to Enclave.  I am going to have to start writing questions soon but still have one other book to read first.  Hoping we end up with lots of teams this year.  Makes it a lot more interesting.

Well I am off to bed.  Long week so far and it isn't over yet.  I think I have more grant writing tomorrow and getting a list of book to movie title together for the afterschool program. 


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 3 Day 3 of Couch to 5k

Great night for a run and it felt great.  I am definitely a workout in the evening girl.  It is cooler and there aren't as many people driving on the streets.  Everything just clicked tonight and I had lots of stress to get off my chest and this was a perfect way to gret rid of it.  Thanks Chrisy and Trudy for going with me tonight.  Motivation brought on by friends is the best.

Zumba tomorrow night.  I will also be doing a Zumba Fitness presentation on Sunday in the Scenic View from 1:30-2:00 if you are intersted in dancing with me and showing everyone what Zumba is all about.  Great fun for all.

Foot is still a pain but what can you do.  I don't have time to rest it so I guess I will have to deal with the pain.  Didn't get time to call the doctors today to see what the x-ray says so I will try to remember to tomorrow.

Headed to bed.  It is way past my bedtime.  Night Friends.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Great online reading/writing site


Check this out.  Lots of great reads and if you are a writer this is a good place for you to go to get some interest in your stories.


Couch to 5k Week 3 Day 1 and Zumba

Well the run last night was great.  It was rainy and cool but it made for a great run.  Every time it is getting a bit harder but I think I can make it.  The power of positive thinking and great motivation from Christy.  Back to it tomorrow night.

The foot is still giving me problems.  The plantar faciitis is not so bad but I have lots of inflamation on the top and side of my foot.  I had an xray last week and am waiting to find out from the doctor tomorrow if it is more than just overuse.  If that is what it is then I am going to just have to deal with the pain.  Also had a cortizone shot which doesn't seem to have made things better yet.  Any suggestions are welcome.  Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Zumba tonight was fantastic.  I did some old songs and two new songs.  I really liked the new ones but one of the girls wasn't thrilled with the fact that I added a country song.  It was fun and upbeat so I will be keeping it. 

Communtiy Fest is coming up this weekend so I will be very busy with stuff for the library and at home.  We have decided to do a garage sale at home so that will be crazy from Friday till Sunday and the library is doing lots of fun stuff so I will have to be over there a bunch also.  The float is going to be great again this year.  I will also be giving a half hour Zumba presentation at some point on Sunday.  If you are around and want to participate I say the more the better.

Reading is going well.  I am reading Scrawl right now which is about a bully.  Another one of the Teen Reads books.  I really think the kids will like this one.  Lots of kids will relate to this book.  Will give my final verdict after I complete it.

Lastly I am going to try to get back to a gluten-free diet.  My stomach has been hating me so much lately from all of the bread and pasta.  It is going to be hard but I think the kids and Jon will keep me on track.  I think this is a great time of the year to get back on track.  With all of the running and Zumba I have my motivation now just need to find my will power. 

Night.  Till tomorrow.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Couch to 5k, Week 2 Day 3

Well we went in the morning for the first time and I didn't like it as much as at night.  The same energy level just wasn't there.  I guess I just like working out later in the day better.  The weather was great today but I just wasn't into it and couldn't make the last 2 runs totaling 3 minutes.  Bummed since it was the first time I couldn't do the whole workout.  Well back to it on Monday which will be more running than last week and I am ready.

Glad I have Christy to keep me motivated and I know she feels the same way.  A friend is always the answer when it comes to getting through a workout and not slacking on your daily routines.  If it hadn't been for the cortisone shot yesterday I think todays run would have went a little better.  Here is to a better week of workouts next week.

I am thinking about adding another kind of workout to my routine.  Need something else for my core.  Pilates or Yoga???  Will fill you in once I decide which way to go.  Both are equally great.

Off to read now.  Oh and I finished I am Number Four by Pitticus Lore and just loved it.  Great read and the sequel comes out in a couple of weeks.  Can't wait to read that one too.

Night Friends.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another great Zumba class

Motivation by friends and family is essential to anyone trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle.  If you are doing it by yourself and succeeding that is wonderful.  I know that if it wasn't for the help I get from friends and family I could see myself quitting easily.  It is so much easier to just stay home and sit in the chair after a long day at work.  I have been there in my past.  I don't want to be that person anymore.  I want to be the one friend that keeps you working towards your goal whether it be weight loss or healthy choices.

Tonight's Zumba class was wonderful.  Not as many people as Tuesday but just as much energy.  I will miss my lake friends who had their last class for the summer tonight.  They were a great addition during the last couple of weeks. 

I think I am going to have a challenge for my class soon so keep your eyes out.  Not sure what it will be yet but working on something good and motivating.

Off to the doctors tomorrow so I can once again have my foot checked out.  I wish they would just cut it off and give me a new one.  It is the only thing that is bothering my workouts.  Everything else is going in the right direction.  My runs are great and so is my Zumba class.  It is very frustrating.  Maybe tomorrow I will have some different answers.  Keep your fingers crossed for me that it isn't something to serious.

Again I am signing off early.  It was one of those MIGRAINE days and I can't seem to focus anymore today.  I am just ready to go make good friends with my pillow.  Night friends till tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Couch to 5k - Week 2 Day 2

Well tonight was a very interesting run/walk.  We started out like normal from my house only tonight we had extra participants.  It sprinkled some but nothing to crazy.  Once we finished the 30 minute workout it started to pour buckets of water.  We were determined to make it the whole way so we stopped at the bowling alley on the porch where it wasn't raining so my husband could come and pick up my iPhone.  I was so wet I didn't want it ruined.  Once he picked it up we went the rest of the way in the pouring rain.  It was crazy and invigorating all at the same time.  So glad we finished it though.  I would have been bummed if we weren't able to.  Let's see what Friday brings our way.

Zumba tomorrow night.  Hope class is a energetic as Tuesday nights was. 

Well watching Beastly then reading more of I am Number Four before I call it a night.  Till tomorrow friends. Night.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Amazing Zumba class tonight

Tonight was the fullest class I have had since April.  It was so great and there was so much energy.  One student said it was more motivating to have that many people in class.  I love it either way but when there are more people it makes it lots more fun.  (Guess the topic of discussion was my butt shaking abiities. LOL)

Tomorrow night is week 2 day 2 of Couch to 5k.  Stay tuned and I will let you know how well it goes.  Hopefully it isn't raining but I will be running either way.

Going to the doctors friday to get this darn foot checked again.  Let's hope it is nothing major so I can continue with all of my workouts.

Off early tonight so I can get some rest for my crazy day tomorrow.  Night all.  Till tomorrow.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Couch to 5k, Week 2 Day 1

So far the Couch to 5k program is going so much better than I anticipated.  It was a beautiful night to be out walking and running.  Changed up my route a bit tonight so I wasn't to far ahead of Christy and the girls.  They weren't running because poor Christy is dealing with shin splints so I would run and walk to my app and then come back and walk the balance of the 3.08 miles with them.  Tonight I went my furthest distance and it felt great.  My stamina still amazes me.  I never thought (at least not since I was in high school) I would be able to run like this.  Here's to keeping it up and making the 5k mark in 8 weeks.

Today was also Monday morning Zumba day. Great class today.  Some new and old faces.  First guy to one of my Harrisville classes.  He did great.  Bummer that he is just a summer resident but I am sure he will be back a few more times before he leaves and then who knows maybe again next year.

Trying to workout the fall schedule.  Any suggestions.  I am thinking that Monday mornings might get cut unless there is more interest.  Summer has been great for Mondays but most of the people attending are either summer residents or school teachers.  What do you think???  Will you be able to make it to morning classes in the fall.  I am sure that I will be keeping the other days the same as now but will let everyone know before September.

Well I am signing off for tonight friends.  My sweet daughter is waiting for me to watch a movie with her and then maybe another chapter of I am Number Four before I fall asleep. Till tomorrow.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Beautiful Day

What an absolutely beautiful day it was today.  I worked for most of the day until about 3:00pm but then I took the kids over to a dock party at the lake.  Great people (some new faces and old), great snacks and great drinks.  Only things missing were Jon and Caleb but they were working.

Bayleigh got her first trip on the tube.  She really enjoyed it but I think the second time she fell of she got a little scared.  They put her right back on and off she went again.  Guess that is the best approach just like riding a horse.  Can't let it scare you.

Foot is very swollen tonight so icing it.  Don't want it to get so bad that I can't workout this next week.  Think I am going to have to find some time to get into the doctor and try and rest it some inbetween my workout schedule.

I Am Number Four is fantastic so far.  I will fill you in as I go along.  Very interesting and different which is the kind of book I love to read.

I was told today that I must read Water For Elephants and The Help which are both on my list.  I think they will have to be soon so maybe we can have an adult book club discussion about them.  I guess they both are going to or already have movies out about them.

Excited to find out another one of my absolute favorite teen books is going to be a movie in 2012.  City of Bones.  Will post more information once I get it.

Guess that is it for tonight.  Nothing to exciting but had to post something.  Good night.  Till tomorrow.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 3 of Couch to 5k

Another great workout.  I was feeling it tonight but made it through.  The last 2 minutes of running were hard but manageable.  Tonight I walked farther than the last 2 times and with a faster speed.  It really is coming along but I am a little anxious about next week because it looks like I will be running for longer periods at a time. 

I am very glad for a weekend off from both workouts but will be glad to be back to Zumba first thing Monday morning and week 2 day 1 of the Couch to 5k on Monday night.  Still willing to have people come and walk/run along with me and Christy.  Just give me a holler and I will let you know when and where.

The foot is extremely sore tonight but I really hate to stop working out or teaching Zumba even for a few days (stubborn I guess).  Maybe I will be able to rest it a little bit this weekend but so far the weekend is looking pretty full.  Work for Mom tomorrow and the HUGE Bango family reunion on Sunday. 

OK now time for the book review.  Devious by Lisa Jackson.  I have to first start out by saying it was a really good book if you like the mystery, thriller, killing kind of read.  I was completely in the dark until the very end of the book on who exactly the killer was and why they were doing the killing.  No spoiler I promise but I have to say that the whole killing of nuns was creepy.  It was definitely interesting to see the inside of this particular convent from a bunch of different perspectives like the nuns, priests, cops, etc.  Very much enjoyed this book so I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys this kind of read. 

My next read is I Am Number Four by Pitticus Lore.  Will let you know what I think when I finish it in a couple of days.

Tomorrow is another day so take charge of your life and make it a healthy one with good foods and a great exercise program.  There are lots out there but so far Zumba in my absolute favorite.  If you have been doing something that works but you don't love it anymore then I think it is time rethink the workout or change it up with something that does excite you.  Don't be afraid to make that change because it might be the best thing you have ever done for your body.

Well friends I am going to say goodnight so I can go get to that book now.  More of my crazy workouts and such tomorrow night.  Till then.  Night.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Plantar fasciitis (OUCH)

This is the title of tonights blog because my foot is hurting extra tonight and I think if I talk about it maybe it will hurt less.  (Yeah right. LOL)  After already getting a couple cortisone shots I guess it is time to take it to the next level.  Guess I will be calling the doctor on Monday.  I thought it was getting better but if tonight is an indicator then I guess not. :-( 
Here is the site I used to find out more about Plantar fasciitis.  http://www.bing.com/health/article/mayo-126203/Plantar-fasciitis?q=plantar+fasciitis
Tonight's Zumba class was small but no less fun.  We did it outside on the pavement tonight because there was a meeting in the firehall.  A beautiful night to be outside except for that awful smell.  Something dead???  Dumpster???  Very distracting.  Had a new face tonight that seemed to like it and I think she will be back next week and maybe even bring her mother. 
Foot pain or not I will be doing Week 1 Day 3 of the Couch to 5k program tomorrow night at 7:30pm.  If you live near Harrisville and want to join us send me a message.  The more the merrier.  I believe that any workout is better with friends.  They keep you motivated and make the workout seem less like what it really is, EXERCISE. 
Night friends.  I know I promised a book review but I fell asleep and didn't get the book finished.  Maybe tonight is the night but I doubt it because the eyelids and drooping already.  Till tomorrow. =)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 2 of Couch to 5k

Today was another success in the Couch to 5k program.  I am surprised at how well I breath while running.  I was sure that it would be hard for me to run but I think that doing Zumba for the last year has helped my stamina quite a bit.

We started out at my house with a 5 minute warm up then ran for 1 minute, walked for 1.5 minutes and continued that cycle for the next 20 minutes. Then finished by walking another 1.5 miles for a total of 2.52 miles in 45 minutes tonight.  A good stretch when I got home was a great way to finish the workout.  It felt wonderful and I am still so energized from it.

I had 2 partners tonight Christy Walters and Angie Walters.  They also did great.  We all realize that getting up to the 5k mark is going to take some major dedication.  At least we are up to the challange.  We will be back to Couch to 5k on Friday with a break from workouts for the weekend.

Tomorrow night is Zumba which is by far the most exciting workout I have ever done in my entire life.  So unlike a workout.  More like a fun night out dancing with the girls except for all of the sweat.  LOL.  If you have not ever tried Zumba make tomorrow the day you do.  I guarantee that you will fall in love with it just like I did. 

If you need help finding an instructor near you go to http://www.zumba.com/ and search using your zip code.  There are so many out there that there must be one close to where you live.

Good night friends I am off to finish reading Devious by Lisa Jackson.  I will let you know my thoughts on that book tomorrow. =)

First Blog

First of all I should start out by introducing myself and let you know why I wanted to start a blog. 


My name is Nicole.  I am the mother of 3 and the wife of a wonderful man.  We have been married for almost 15 years.  Like most people who have been married that long you start to get to comfortable with yourself and sometimes you let things go like your weight, looks, etc.  You why does it matter he still loves me.  While that might be true how does that make you feel about yourself? 

After the birth of my first 2 children I was able to get back to my pre-baby weight very easily but after the third OMG watch out.  I think almost every year since she was born until last year I put on a pant size.  It is very hard on someone that went from a comfortable 6/8 to a tight 14/16 to feel good about themselves.  I have an extra reason for this weight (hypothyroid) but that shouldn't have kept me from trying to make it better.  You begin to dislike how you look and feel and you also know how unhealthy all of this extra weight can be for you. 

I thought I am a very busy woman, always on my feet running for this, working here and there I shouldn't be gaining weight.  Exercise is very important and has nothing to do the where you work and what you do while you are at work.  It should be something you make time for at least 5 times a week.  Even 15 minutes a day is better than nothing. 


Last year I was introduced to Zumba Fitness and fell in love.  I liked it so much that I came home one night and told my husband that I needed to be an instructor.  He was and continues to be very supportive.  My son tells people that I was born to teach Zumba and that really makes me feel good.

I started teaching in October of 2010 and since then I have lost about 1 1/2 pants sizes, 2 shirt sizes and around 25 pounds.  The best part is that I am finally starting to feel good about myself again.

Two days ago I decided to start the Couch to 5k program and dragged my sister-in-law along with me.  The first night was better than expected.  Night two is tonight so I will let you all know how it goes when I post tomorrow.


I started this blog because I wanted a place to share my story and to help keep myself on track with my fitness and life goals. While doing this I hope that someone with a similar story will be helped by my struggles.

In this blog you will see information about my successes, failures and the things I love in life from my Zumba classes to the books I read and more.  Please feel free to comment and let me know what you are up to but be nice with your comments because other will hopefully be reading them too and that could include my children.